Performance Task: Recording Merchandising Documents
Last 7th of December 2016, we had our performance task. I got 7 drafts because I always repeat when there is an error. It sucks because...
Scaffold #3
40/40 This is a pair work activity with one of my besties, Shane Capranca. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BOTH OF US! WE MADE IT!
Merchandising Documents
Last November 9, 2016, Sir Randy discussed about the Merchandising Documents. According to Win Ballada (2013), “SOURCE DOCUMENTS...
T-Account and Trial Balance Discussion
T-Account and Trial Balance Last 26th of October, Sir Randy taught us how to do the T-Account which serves as our general leger for the...
Task Sheet #1 Preparing Ledger and Trial Balance based on the PT
Avoid Errors According Win Ballada (2013), “Freedom From Errors. No errors or omissions in the description of the phenomenon, and the...